Beauty & Comfort in-Motion
Pain free laser treatments for ALL skin types is what the Motus AZ+ brings to the table. With 4 moveo treatments to offer, your needs/concerns are sure to be met. Unlike traditional laser treatments, with moveo technology the direct contact and gradual delivery with a cooled sapphire tip make treatments more comfortable, safer for more skin types and increases the amount of energy absorbed where you want it most.
Eliminate the need to shave, tweeze or wax with pain-free laser hair removal for all skin types. MoveoHR makes it possible for all to benefit comfortably and safely from the most powerful wavelength for hair reduction, the Alexandrite (755 nm) laser.
Treatment areas:
Small - Treatment area:
Upper lip, Chin, Neck or Neckline, Under Arms, Bikini Line, Abdomen
Medium- Treatment area:
Full Face, Brazilian, Forearms, Lower Leg, Upper Leg
Large - Treatment area:
Chest, Full Arms, Back, Full Legs
Price varies when purchased in a package.